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Pre-Installation Checklist

Before you install MiniTool Mac Data Recovery on the Host Computer, it's very important for you to complete the following four items on the following checklist:

• First of all, do not install MiniTool Mac Data Recovery on the Bad Device. Remember the golden rule of data recovery: never change anything on the Bad Device!

• Make sure you have enough memory on the Host Computer for MiniTool Mac Data Recovery. The application requires only about 16 megabytes of space, but we recommend as much as 64 MB of free RAM (depending on how much data and how large a drive is being recovered).

• Make sure you have enough free space on your Good Device. You need more space than the size of your lost data. Here's a list of everything that may need to be saved to the Good Device before and during a recovery session:

The lost data. You should plan on recovering at least as much data as that was lost on the Bad Device. And you may need even more free space than that your lost data takes because MiniTool Mac Data Recovery may recover files and folders you intentionally deleted in the past. If you decide to recover all recovered folders and files, you will have more files than what you used to 'see' before the failure/data loss.

If you are using a single computer as the Host Computer and the Good Device (that is, you plan to save your lost data to the same computer on which you have installed MiniTool Mac Data Recovery), you must have enough room for the application itself. It takes up only a few megabytes of space, so it probably won't create any memory issues. Regardless of this, it never hurts those few megabytes when checking your available memory.

Temporary files created by MiniTool Mac Data Recovery and files that track your session progress. During a recovery session, MiniTool Mac Data Recovery creates temporary working files on the Good Device. These files could take up dozens of megabytes of space, depending on the size of the device and amount of lost data found.

If you want to save just a small amount of data, you can use a floppy disk as the destination drive; otherwise, you need to use a local or network drive. If you don't have enough free space, you may switch to a Host Computer or Good Device with more free space.

• Close all other applications to improve performance during installation. Although not necessary, this is highly recommended.
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